How Does Having A Pre-Existing Injury Can Affect Your Workers' Comp Claim?
When they get hurt at work, many people ask this question. The answer isn't always easy to figure out. It all depends on the circumstances. If the injury got caused at the workplace, the worker could file a claim, even if they had the damage before they started working. Some people don't follow this rule. So, if you have questions about your case, it's best to talk to an attorney. Read on to learn the details. Pre-existing Injury A pre-existing injury is one that happened before the accident in question. This injury might make winning a personal injury case difficult. If you sue for damages after an accident, a pre-existing injury may reduce your payout. Workers' compensation doesn't cover most injuries you had before you started working because they happened before. Often, injuries that were there before don't get diagnosed or treated. These kinds of injuries often happen on the job. The Department of Labor says that nearly 30% of all work...